Stay motivated

Just like any gym member, motivation is really important for keeping young adults with disability engaged in exercise.

Simple actions like writing down their exercise goals with them or using technology to track progress and capture achievements is a terrific way to boost confidence.

Not to mention, good old verbal positive encouragement.

Every little bit counts.

Motivational support

Encouraging and motivating

    • Exercising alongside other people is motivating.

    • Exercising with other people around the same age or with similar interests makes the gym fun and gives a positive vibe and energy.

    • Being accountable, setting goals and tracking exercise - either with a Smart watch, phone app or on a paper gym program - is motivating.

    • Exercising in the gym can make you feel good and is good for your mental health as well as your physical health.

    • Music in the gym can be motivating. However, some people with sensory sensitivities may find it distracting or annoying.

    • Lots of encouragement both during and at the completion of each exercise.

    • Reward effort as well as skill.

    • The people who provide support make a difference “special people who make it fun and are able to motivate”.

    • Chats and banter with trainers and other gym members is motivating.

    • Counting down the number of reps and how long is left when exercising.

Some young adults with disability will require extra support and 1 : 1 supervision in the gym to remain engaged, on track and focused on their exercise program.

Lived Experience

Our research could not happen without the individual and collective contributions of those with lived experience of neurodivergence, and those who love and care for them.

We acknowledge and value their unique expertise. Their perspectives are crucial to our mission to enrich the lives of Autistic people, their families and their carers through high-quality scientific research, innovation and translation and our vision for a world where Autistic people, their families and their carers thrive.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge that we work on the unceded lands of many traditional Indigenous custodians in Victoria and across Australia.

We recognise their ongoing connection to the land and value their unique contribution to our research, and to wider Australian society.

We pay our respects to Elders past and present and thank them for their ongoing care of this beautiful country’s land, skies, and waterways.


We are committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination. We welcome all people irrespective of neurotype, ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation or gender identity.